Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 10 (Session 9) - Emerging & Future Technologies

Emerging & Future Technologies

Which question will you ask: "Why" Or, "Why Not?"
Someone with the rising star mindset will think "Why Not?". Think, how can I change things around instead of asking "Why" things happen and look back to the past instead of looking into the future.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
- Albert Einstein

There is a need for both types of people in the world. People who knows a lot (knowledge) and people who can think out of the box. With both types of people working together, only the can we have success. The question is: How many of each? Will the people who knows a lot have conflicting knowledge or will people with the ideas have conflicting ideas? Of course, this is in human nature to be different, yet similar in many ways. The way to get this thing through if people can be more receptive to other ideas. This is how new technologies come about.

The drivers of technology are discussed again. The main focus being the unmet market opportunity and need.

There are two ways that technology can be "created'. One that already has a market demand, and another that creates the demand for it. Usually, the technology driven industry is the one which needs a market. However, what is safer is trying to respond to the needs of the market rather than seeing what the market doesn't see. Supply creates demand.

What about the 4 "smarts"? Smart people, ideas, money, alliances and partnership. Yes, these are all important. But are we focusing on them too much that we ignore the "dumb" people as well? Well, beauty smartness is in the eye of the beholder. Guess it really depends on what is defined as 'smart'.

With all these drivers working together, it would bring future technology to a greater height.

If you can imagine it, it can happen.
Who came up with teleportation? Did the technology exist then to allow him to think of it? NO!
However, we can see that there are many studies today that is exploring the possibility of teleportation. Similar to many of the other interesting things that we see in science fiction movies (I'm not exactly a great fan of it. I haven't even watch Star Wars)

Longing + Imagination = Attainment
The video of the female robot reminds me of a particular japanese drama serial where a male robot and a female human falls in love, etc. so as the same as all other robot-related romance movies, except that this one is in real life. IT MAY ACTUALLY HAPPEN. But what about the emotions part of it? Well, it can easily be stimulated/programmed in the future. Who knows? Maybe combining it the biological advancements, you can even put a cloned human brain in the robot so it works exactly like how a human does even with emotions.

Some perspective that people have is that machines can never be smarter than humans. This was what I thought in the past, but after what prof said. Machines can actually be smarter than human especially if it is programmed to be that way, to be self-learning. After all, the machine can have 'access' to the whole internet database. eg. IBM

What about machines/Robots taking over human jo

bs? How do they earn income then? Does the traditional method (you work, you get paid), still work? No country has yet solved this problem. Maybe one possible way to solve this, as said by prof, is that everyone has a minimum sufficient amount to make sure that they survive. And to earn more money, you will need to do higher value added jobs.

What if, machines actually take over the human race like in "Terminator"?

Could that really happen? If so, what would humans do to prevent it from happening? These are questions to think about because the future of technology is so vast and unpredictable. Anything is possible.

Rating for lesson: 9/10

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