Monday, November 7, 2011


Concluding Summary

Through the past 12 weeks, I've learnt a lot about Technology and how it changes the world.

To recap, here is the definition of technology:

1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society,and the environment, drawing upon such subjects asindustrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
3. a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
Taken from

Throughout the whole course, a few points have been constantly brought out. Though there are some difference, but the main points can be listed as follow:

1) Always look forward to the future
If you keep living in the past, you are not able to move on together with the rest of the world and will eventually be left behind. We need to be continually growing/developing. Live you lift as though everything is a miracle

2) Ask "Why Not" instead of "Why"
Challenge the status quo, only then will there be change.

3) Change Leadership vs. Change Management
A leader is one who sets the direction and the manager is the one who actually does it.

4) Finding the right opportunities
Cloud, Summit and Valley opportunities. Of course, striking at the summit will be the best.

5) The Global Divide
How developed countries are moving forward faster as compared to developing countries and thus widening the Global Gap. How then can the developed countries lend a helping hand to their poorer, less developed neighbours?

I believe that these are the key things that can be brought out of this 12 weeks of lessons and apply to other aspects.

Technology does not just stop at owning the latest smart phone, tablet, or laptop. It goes beyond that to interrelation with life, society,and the environment. Looking at future technologies, it is important to link it to how it affects life, society and environment be it in a positive or negative way.

Group Projects

Group Project
So after the last week of lesson about developing a framework for the future, we went straight to continue doing our project. What we had to do is to create a web report for our project. Being the only group that does not have any SIS student in the group, we thought that it would be very difficult for us, but thanks to technology being so awesome these days, we manage to create a website without even using any HTML codes. Back in my secondary school days, I knew some basic HTML codes but have forgotten them all already so wix was very helpful. My group project was about social media and us. It was actually a very broad topic and we had difficulty in deciding which aspect we should look into. In the end, we decided to look at how Social Media has affect us in socially, politically, as well as in the business aspect.

In every project, there would be something that can be learnt. The topic itself, how to do proper research, group work, and coordinating the group. As for the topic itself, much research had to be done and it was definitely not easy so we had to learn how to search 'smart'. Group work and coordinating was also important because this is quite a huge project. Everyone in the group had their other things to do so it was difficult to bring the group together to meet up frequently. It was only till a few days before our presentation that we managed to get everyone in the group to meet up as a whole to do some concrete updates for our group project. It wasn't easy, but we manage to do it.

Special thanks to my group mate Wilson who helped coordinate the group meetings and delegating the jobs and also Regina who helped a lot in the research aspect.

My group web report can be viewed here.

On the same day, we had two other groups presenting on the following topics
Personally, I was from an arts CCA in secondary school and JC so I was quite interested in the topic. Indeed, technology has changed the arts in many ways. The visual arts, music as well as film. However, it is unlikely that the traditional forms art will be phased out because those are the basis which modern art is derived from. Art lovers will still want to go to museums to see famous paints, go to concerts to listen to live music, as well as theaters to view live musicals.

It was quite nice to learn about how technology can help the disabled. People who are disabled did not have a choice to be like that. If they were given a choice, I'm sure that they will not choose to be disabled because they have many limitations. Very often, people who are disabled are very pessimistic towards life because they feel that they are 'useless'. With technology helping the disabled, it will help bring hope to them and hopefully make them feel more positive as they will be able to live their lives more like normal human beings.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 11 (Session 10)

Technology Assessment and Forecasting; Developing a Framework for Understanding What Come Next The final session of because the next week will be presentations for the group project and also the day that I did my individual presentation. I didn't have a chance to choose the topic that I had to do and was just left with this week. To be honest, I felt that this week's topic was the most difficult as it was quite abstract and there wasn't any particular technology that you can link to it. When I first started out preparing for my presentation, I didn't know where to start at all. All I could think of is - If it happens, it happens. Why would we need a framework to understand what comes next? Don't inventors just invent things when the light bulb simply lights up?

However, after looking through the readings and after the lesson itself, I could understand things more. Technology don't just appear simply like this. Because the world is so vast and technology is appearing everywhere at every minute. Why do we need a framework then?

Here are some of the reasons (taken from the slides)
  • The need to gain an understanding of what kinds of changes a new technology innovation might bring – in economic, social, ethical/legal, environmental and other terms.
  • The need to prioritize in deciding whether and when to invest in research and development of new innovations and technologies
  • The need to prioritize, given limited resources, on whether and when to implement and use new innovations and technologies – especially important in developing countries
In the world today, we have various issues to address: Scarce Natural Resource, Mobility, Healthcare and Infrastructure. How then, do we use the current resources we have to address the issues? Which one is most important? Of course, this would differ from every part of the world. What will be the possible impacts of future technology? How will it affect social, ethical, legal and environment?

The thing that made me interested is the "framework" that prof talked about.
You essentially get an advantage if you work back from the future instead of project from the present.
• You cannot run away from the past and present
• Start with the blank sheet
• What would you want the world to look in the 5 years time (without any constraints)
• Then you bring out the sheet of paper in the past. How are you going to move from the past/present to the future?
• Convert stumbling blocks and convert them into stepping stones
• The future forward you look, the more uncertain you are

Indeed, we are all uncertain of the future. Who will be the ones deciding our future?
My presentation was actually about "Kids for the future". After all, it will be the kids now that will decide what will happen in the future. Kids nowadays live in a very different from us, even more so as compared to our parents and grandparents. For example, I recently saw a toddler (maybe about 2 years old) playing with an iPhone and she actually know how to use it! I was actually quite appalled by it because at 2 years old, I think many of us were still playing with alphabet blocks. It is amazing to see how technology is affecting our way of live. Of course, this may not be a bad thing because if we were to deny technology, then we will be at the losing end. So what we could do it actually to embrace it and make the best out of it. Even though children are highly dependent on technology and it could have negative impacts, but think about the positive impacts that it could possibly bring as well!
Many think that with more children spending more time on their computers and video games, they would not learn any social skills. However, with the advent of social media, more children have Facebook accounts. Even though it is mainly used to play games, but this would connect them socially to their friends as well as they could talk and share about their experience while playing the games. Also, more games these days are multi-player, children can also get a chance to interact with others. The thing to note is that when allowing children use the internet, parents must be especially careful because the internet is very hard to censor and it may expose children to different things that may spoil their innocence of even be dangerous for them.

Rating for lesson: 10/10

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 10 (Session 9) - Emerging & Future Technologies

Emerging & Future Technologies

Which question will you ask: "Why" Or, "Why Not?"
Someone with the rising star mindset will think "Why Not?". Think, how can I change things around instead of asking "Why" things happen and look back to the past instead of looking into the future.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
- Albert Einstein

There is a need for both types of people in the world. People who knows a lot (knowledge) and people who can think out of the box. With both types of people working together, only the can we have success. The question is: How many of each? Will the people who knows a lot have conflicting knowledge or will people with the ideas have conflicting ideas? Of course, this is in human nature to be different, yet similar in many ways. The way to get this thing through if people can be more receptive to other ideas. This is how new technologies come about.

The drivers of technology are discussed again. The main focus being the unmet market opportunity and need.

There are two ways that technology can be "created'. One that already has a market demand, and another that creates the demand for it. Usually, the technology driven industry is the one which needs a market. However, what is safer is trying to respond to the needs of the market rather than seeing what the market doesn't see. Supply creates demand.

What about the 4 "smarts"? Smart people, ideas, money, alliances and partnership. Yes, these are all important. But are we focusing on them too much that we ignore the "dumb" people as well? Well, beauty smartness is in the eye of the beholder. Guess it really depends on what is defined as 'smart'.

With all these drivers working together, it would bring future technology to a greater height.

If you can imagine it, it can happen.
Who came up with teleportation? Did the technology exist then to allow him to think of it? NO!
However, we can see that there are many studies today that is exploring the possibility of teleportation. Similar to many of the other interesting things that we see in science fiction movies (I'm not exactly a great fan of it. I haven't even watch Star Wars)

Longing + Imagination = Attainment
The video of the female robot reminds me of a particular japanese drama serial where a male robot and a female human falls in love, etc. so as the same as all other robot-related romance movies, except that this one is in real life. IT MAY ACTUALLY HAPPEN. But what about the emotions part of it? Well, it can easily be stimulated/programmed in the future. Who knows? Maybe combining it the biological advancements, you can even put a cloned human brain in the robot so it works exactly like how a human does even with emotions.

Some perspective that people have is that machines can never be smarter than humans. This was what I thought in the past, but after what prof said. Machines can actually be smarter than human especially if it is programmed to be that way, to be self-learning. After all, the machine can have 'access' to the whole internet database. eg. IBM

What about machines/Robots taking over human jo

bs? How do they earn income then? Does the traditional method (you work, you get paid), still work? No country has yet solved this problem. Maybe one possible way to solve this, as said by prof, is that everyone has a minimum sufficient amount to make sure that they survive. And to earn more money, you will need to do higher value added jobs.

What if, machines actually take over the human race like in "Terminator"?

Could that really happen? If so, what would humans do to prevent it from happening? These are questions to think about because the future of technology is so vast and unpredictable. Anything is possible.

Rating for lesson: 9/10

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 9 (Session 8)

Energy and World Change

Key drivers of the Global Energy Change are the rising energy consumption and the need for economic development, the need to sustainability, and new technology and approaches.

Looking at Energy and World Change, it is essential to look at the 2 different 'parts' of the world. The developed, and the under developed. For the developed countries, unless we are willing to change our habits, we are not able to save the place which we are living in. As for the under developed, how can they make use of Energy in the most efficient way?

The equation of energy where it is equals to the mass of an object, multiply by the square of the speed of light (3 x 108)

That is actually a very large amount. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted, and almost everything on Earth as a mass so does this mean that every object can create energy for itself? Not quite.

Looking at the slides, it was said that "The Sun provides more every to the Earth than to humankind currently uses in an entire year This shows that here IS enough energy. But how are we going to use the energy from the Sun, or anywhere else for that matter of fact to our advantage?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 7

The Biobusiness revolution 2
Agriculture and the Environment: Past, Present, Future

Can we grow what we need? That was the very first question asked at the start of the class. Or to be more specific "when we are able to grow the resources we need, we will finally be on the road to sustainability”.

At many parts of the lesson, a point has been brought up quite often. If everyone on this globe lives and consumes like an American, we will need 3-5 earths to fulfill the wants of close to 7 billion people. We have been told time and time again that our resources are running out and we need to find alternative methods of meeting our needs. Ta-daa! Here comes the bio-business to save the day. But does it really save the day?

Yes, because it offers us alternatives instead of the old fashioned, traditional way of using food (ie. just for eating). Food can now be even be converted into Energy which will be discussed more in the next topic.

No, because think about how much the bio-business has affected the world. These talks about biofuels, bioplastics, etc. does help in a way or another, but it has also brought out many issues which can be quite controversial. What about what goes into our food? No doubt that technology has been used to enhance not only the quantity, but also the quality of our food, but these two do not work toge
ther. To get more, quality will be comprised, vice-versa. Some people can be too caught up with watching what food they eat. To me, as long as you are eating healthy (i.e. 2 servings of fruits and veg a day and plenty of water), it should not really matter where or rather how the food is produced. Of course, saying this is easy, but after you know how the food you have been eating is produced, you may think twice about eating them in the future.
In conclusion, eat happy, die happy.

So how do we ensure food security?

Food Security - A condition where all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (FAO).

People in developed countries have so much food that they are become obese but in developing countries, people are starving to death. So, this is not the matter of having not enough because as what Mahatma Gandhi said “There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed.” It is more the issue of distribution that matters.

Rating: 6/10.
The session actually talks more about bioTECHNOLOGY itself instead of linking it specifically to agriculture and environment.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 6

The Biobusiness Revolution 1
Healthcare and the Biomedical Sciences: past, present, future

Lesson started off this this video

Wow, was the only thing I could say. If this happens, it would definitely make our lives so much easier. Like discussed in class, it may or may not happen by 2020, but it will surely happen. At first, I was quite skeptical as to if such a thing were to happen because of the different platforms that were needed, but prof reminded me about the integration of systems these days. Yes, things are CHANGING. Apple used to be niche in this area where if you own an Apple product, you will need to own more. Now, not so much.
Now to the next question: How much will it cost? Of course at this point of time, it would be very costly. If it gets more developed in the future, it will be cheaper, and in the long run, it might reduce healthcare costs as we do not need that many doctors/nurses/pharmacists around.

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

- Albert Einstein -

This is an interesting way of looking at things. A rising star's attitude. Anything is possible, look forward to the miracles that can happen.
It really depends on individual's mindset to make things work. If we were to see everything as "Oh, I KNEW something like this would happen", what point is it if YOU are not the one who made it happen?

BioBusiness - commercial activity based on an understanding of life sciences and life science processes

This is indeed an industry that has been fast growing, and still growing. But will there be a point of time where it just stops? Don't think so. After all, we are talking about technology and change. We are constantly looking at ways to improve our lives, and lives of others (the poorer countries). New technology will be created, and change is constant. Though some may say that we are moving too fast and leaving the others behind, but it has been shown that the OTHERS are also moving, probably at even a fast rate actually. So it's not all that bad for the equity part of it.

Not only can technology bring about positive changes in our health, but it can also cause negative impacts. After watching the "obesity video", one can gather that more people are becoming obese, largely due to technological advancements.
Why are more people becoming overweight/obese? Fast Food, and unhealthy eating diets.
What brought about fast food to Asian countries? Globalization.
What cause globalization to happen? Technology.
What reduces the children/adult physical activities? Technology.
I can come up with a whole list of it, pushing all the blame on to technology.
Still, it is a fact that more people are becoming overweight/obese.
Guess I need to start watching my diet and amount of physical activities.

Rating: 8/10

Monday, September 19, 2011

Group Project Outline

Social Media and Human Behavior

Executive Summary

In these few years, we have seen how social media has evolved and became part of our everyday-computer-life. Having a facebook account is something so common that even a 2 year old has one. Different platforms of social media have been around, and we often see a change in the leader of this particular industry. Needless to say, Facebook is the current leader. Despite the changing leaders, social media has affect human behavior in many ways and we will be looking at the changes.


· Development in social media

· Current leaders in social media

· Who is affected by social media

Historical Perspective

· How was it like before social media became in “IN” thing.

· Lessons that we can learn from the past (eg. Nixxon)

Current Situation

· How has it affected behavior of:

§ Youths

§ Political

§ Businesses

§ Social Stability (Raising awareness)

§ Communication

§ Privacy

§ Comparison between developed and developing countries

§ Conflict between generations

§ Pros and cons

§ What value does it add to society

Future Considerations

How will it shape our future?

Group Members:

Gladys Sin Zhenlin

Wilson Ong

Regina Loo

Shawn Ng

Session 5

ICT and World Change
(Mass Media, the Internet, Wireless, Interactive Telecommunications)
Past, Present and Future

Rating: 7/10

Lesson started off with Milo. I've actually watched this video quite a while ago, and yes, I was intrigued with what was shown in the video. However, I can't help to think that what if all these were staged? But prof. said that as much as some parts of the video may be staged, but it also means that it will be possible in the near future. After all, who would have thought that almost all household in the city would own at least one computer.

ICT includes mass media, the Internet, Gaming, Wireless Technologies, Information Systems, knowledge management, and Cloud Computing. What caught my interest was actually "Cloud Computing". What I originally thought as another-one-of-apple's-creation was actually not! Turns out that we have used Cloud Computing in a way or another (eg. E-Learn).

I used to work in a small company that was rather self-sufficient. They didn't have softwares catered specifically to the company needs, and I often thought of ways that things could improve because we still used hardcopy calendars instead of one on the internet. However, after this session, I learnt that cloud computing just may be the answer to it!
I believe that Cloud Computing has helped many small enterprise in their business because they do not have the extra capital to invest in a good software.

One interesting question "What will it take to capture the full potential of the ICT/Knowledge Revolution?"
I guess it really depends on how we fully utilize this powerful technology, be it for good or bad.

With everything technology that is invented, there is a purpose to it. Take dynamites for example. They were invented to make mining easier, which is for a good purpose. However, it was later used in warfare. Parallels can be drawn from dynamites and ICT. Created for good, but used for bad. (For some people)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Individual Topical Review Paper Outline

Specific Innovation of Interest: 3D technology in films

Rationale for selecting this Innovation:

Personally, I am interested in the film industry. Since the 3D technology has changed things, I want to learn how it has changed the way the film industry works and explore the future possibilities.

Executive Summary

How 3D technology has affected the film industry and how will it continue to affect it.


3D movies first started out mostly on animated films, however, as time passes, the 3D technology has improved to live-action films as well. The screen is not “flat” anymore. As technology improves, we may no longer have to wear uncomfortable 3D glasses in the cinema. Actually, we do not even need to go to the cinemas to experience the 3D effect!

Historical Perspective

Mass entertainment has moved from live plays/musicals/opera/concerts, to flim screening in the cinemas or television. We thought that cinemas were the best we could get if we wanted to watch movies. Now, we can have a combination of both!

Current Situation

Movies have always been on the flat screen (using a projector to project the image on to the screen), though the sound effects and interesting footages on the screen can make you thrilled, the introduction of the 3D effect in movies simply adds on to the experience. From using it primarily on animated films, the 3D technology has moved on to live-action films. Usually, the 3D effect only shows off in a small part of a film, but now, it is possible to watch the whole movie in 3D. It is even possible to watch a concert at only a fraction of its original price, halfway across the globe.

Future Considerations

3D technology today is largely based on movies in cinemas. Though there are 3D televisions available in the market, but it was not a blockbuster. With improvements in technology, more people may be more keen on owning a 3D television at home, and not only will it be based on movies, but also for TV series. Also, 3D technology can also improve to make films that are interactive for the audience.


As the world changes and the 3D technology improve, there are many possible things that we can do with this technology. The film industry can use this opportunity to attract audiences back into the cinemas instead of them downloading illegally, watching it at home.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Session 4

Session 4 was about the Drivers of World Change, as well as Change Management and Change Leadership.

For the first part, we learnt about the different drivers of world change, the difference between Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change, and also Disruptive change, though I'm still not very sure what exactly is disruptive change.

“Disruptive change is an irreversible change in your expected future”

Is it a change that causes everything else to change so that the future that people expects will be different?
We then moved on to the diagram of the New Technological Adoption which shows how different groups of people react accordingly to new technology. I use to belong in the "Early majority pragmatists", wanted to own almost every new gadgets there are, and after using it for awhile, I will get tired of it, and then change to something else. However, because technology is moving too fast, I don't have the 'capabilities' to keep up with it... So I guess I'm under the "Late majority conservatives" category now.

For the 2nd part of the lesson, we talked about Change Management and Change Leadership.
People can have different ways to approach things. The Eagle, Ostrich and Do-Do bird approach.
Environment is often changing. If you are not smart and perceptive enough to change with it, or even change faster than it, you will become a dodo bird - extinct. There is also the pessimism-time curve, and also the models (Traditional and Modern).

I personally like the Pessimism-Time Curve concept a lot because it can really be applied to many different situation in lives, not only as a business.

What caught my attention during the lesson is when we were talking about leadership VS management. The manager’s job is to plan, organize and coordinate. The leader’s job is to set the vision, inspire and motivate. There is a difference between a leader and a manager.

I beg to differ. Other than inspiring and motivating others, a leader should also be involved in doing some of the work because all these inspiring and motivation thing seems to be just like all talk and no action. As for a manager, his job is to plan, organize and coordinate, he follows orders from the 'leader'. But in today's world, managers are required to make their own decision, in a sense, setting some sort of vision. So shouldn't a manager be considered a leader as well? This seems to be as though as the leader is the good guy, making everything seem so fluffy cotton candy-like, and the manager is the bad guy, destroying the cotton candy with reality because of the work that needs to be done. Isn't this a little unfair to them? Maybe, the only difference between a manager and a leader, is that a manager lacks some qualities that the leader has, but to differentiate them to such a extend, I think that it is unnecessary.

Rating: 7/10