Monday, November 7, 2011


Concluding Summary

Through the past 12 weeks, I've learnt a lot about Technology and how it changes the world.

To recap, here is the definition of technology:

1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society,and the environment, drawing upon such subjects asindustrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
3. a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
Taken from

Throughout the whole course, a few points have been constantly brought out. Though there are some difference, but the main points can be listed as follow:

1) Always look forward to the future
If you keep living in the past, you are not able to move on together with the rest of the world and will eventually be left behind. We need to be continually growing/developing. Live you lift as though everything is a miracle

2) Ask "Why Not" instead of "Why"
Challenge the status quo, only then will there be change.

3) Change Leadership vs. Change Management
A leader is one who sets the direction and the manager is the one who actually does it.

4) Finding the right opportunities
Cloud, Summit and Valley opportunities. Of course, striking at the summit will be the best.

5) The Global Divide
How developed countries are moving forward faster as compared to developing countries and thus widening the Global Gap. How then can the developed countries lend a helping hand to their poorer, less developed neighbours?

I believe that these are the key things that can be brought out of this 12 weeks of lessons and apply to other aspects.

Technology does not just stop at owning the latest smart phone, tablet, or laptop. It goes beyond that to interrelation with life, society,and the environment. Looking at future technologies, it is important to link it to how it affects life, society and environment be it in a positive or negative way.

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